The driver will work on both 32 and 64 bit platforms. On Linux And Mac OS X no kernel driver is required, just use AVRdude and specify the correct port. The programmer will work with a wide variety of Atmel AVR microcontrollers including the Atmega8a and Atmega168a. A full list is available on the specifications tab.
ISPnub - Stand-alone AVR programmer module
The driver will work on both 32 and 64 bit platforms. On Linux And Mac OS X no kernel driver is required, just use AVRdude and specify the correct port. The programmer will work with a wide variety of Atmel AVR microcontrollers including the Atmega8a and Atmega168a. USBASP V2.0 User Guide; AVRDUDE supports USBasp since version 5.2. BASCOM-AVR supports USBasp since version Khazama AVR Programmer is a Windows XP/Vista GUI application for USBasp and avrdude. EXtreme Burner – AVR is a Windows GUI Software for USBasp based USB AVR programmers. A command line light weight dfu-programmer can also be used. USBAsp AVR Arduino Programmer Drivers There are a few variants of the USBAsp, mostly they work the same and need the same drivers. This guide is for the ones that look like this, but as I say mostly they work the same so try it anyway.
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- Works under multiple platforms. Linux, Mac OS X and Windows are tested.
- No special controllers or smd components are needed.
- Programming speed is up to 5kBytes/sec.
- SCK option to support targets with low clock speed (< 1,5MHz).
Firmware and circuit
Windows 10 Internet Driver Download
The following packages include circuit and firmware.usbasp.2011-05-28.tar.gz (519 kB) TPI support, supports programmers with ATMega88 and ATMega8.
usbasp.2009-02-28.tar.gz (260 kB)
usbasp.2007-10-23.tar.gz (172 kB)
usbasp.2007-07-23.tar.gz (176 kB)
usbasp.2006-12-29.tar.gz (118 kB) Supports programmers with ATMega48 and ATMega8.
usbasp.2006-09-16.tar.gz (116 kB) New VID/PID!
usbasp.2005-11-14.tar.gz (175 kB)
usbasp.2005-07-03.tar.gz (166 kB)
usbasp.2005-04-21.tar.gz (169 kB)
Please refer to Readme.txt for details on building, installing and using USBasp.
Usbasp Mac Os X Driver
On Linux and MacOS X no kernel driver is needed. Windows requires a driver for USBasp. Please use this driver installation tool for Windows (see also: successful setup on Windows 10):Zadig - USB driver installation made easy
- AVRDUDE supports USBasp since version 5.2.
- BASCOM-AVR supports USBasp since version
- Khazama AVR Programmer is a Windows XP/Vista GUI application for USBasp and avrdude.
- eXtreme Burner - AVR is a Windows GUI Software for USBasp based USB AVR programmers.
Partnumber | Value | Reichelt No |
C1 | 4,7u | RAD 4,7/35 |
C2 | 100n | X7R-5 100N |
C3, C4 | 22p | KERKO 22P |
D1, D2 | 3V6 zener | ZF 3,6 |
CON2 | 10pol | WSL 10W |
IC1 | ATmega8-16 | ATMEGA 8-16 (not programmed!) |
JP1, JP2 | 2pol 2,54mm | SL 1X36G 2,54 |
LED1 | 3mm LED green | LED 3MM 2MA GN |
LED2 | 3mm LED red | LED 3MM 2MA RT |
Q1 | 12Mhz | 12,0000-HC49U-S |
R1, R2 | 68 | 1/4W 68 |
R3 | 2,2k | 1/4W 2,2k |
R4, R5, R6, R7 | 270 | 1/4W 270 |
R8 | 10k | 1/4W 10k |
R9, R10 | 1k | 1/4W 1k |
M1, M2 | Jumper | JUMPER 2,54GL SW |
M3 | Socket 28S | GS 28-S |
M4 | Case | TEKO 10007 |
M5 | PCB | - |
User PCB layouts
Here is a list of tested PCB layouts. If you have designed your own PCB, please let me by Thomas Fischl Single-Side PCB, TARGET 3001! layout file Size: 90x40 mm (optimized for case Hammond 1591ATBU) | |
lv_usbasp.tar.gz by Pawel Szramowski (11/2007) With Low-voltage front-end. Single-Side PCB, EAGLE layout files, some SMD components | |
by Bernhard Walle Double-Side PCB, EAGLE layout files, part list with order numbers for and Size: optimized for case Hammond 1591ATBU | | by Thomas Pfeifer Single-Side PCB, PDF layout files, SMD components | |
by Tomasz Ostrowski Single-Side PCB, PDF and EPS layout files, only four 0805 SMD parts, rest discrete components | | by Christian Heigemeyr Single-Side PCB, with some SMD 0805 components, PDF-files With additional buttons for reset and disconnection of the target | |
USBasp.sch, USBasp.pcb ComponentSide.pdf, TopSide.pdf, Schematics.pdf by Zhurov Pavel Single-Side PCB, P-CAD 2002 format and PDF files Crosspiece TXD and RXD are added for the ISP connector | |
usbasp_gr.rar by J.A. de Groot The board is single sided (EAGLE format), measures 3 by 8 cm and uses only regular components. | | by Matthias Görner Single-Side PCB, eagle-format, with PS/PDF-files integrated sockets for target chips ATmega8 and ATmega32 | |
Tarball with layout by Hannes Östlund Doubleside-Side PCB, SMD components, very small | |
by Sergiy Bogdancev (01/2010) 3.3V version, ATMega48 only. Single-side PCB, ExpressPCB layout format + socket board for varies AVRs. Without future serial interface, chip initially must be programmed with another programmer. | |
Eaglefiles (sch/brd) and CAD case design (dxf) by Hans Hafner, HTL Mössingerstrasse-Klagenfurt, Österreich, hans.hafner (at) htl-klu (dot) at (01/2010) CNC-milled case (DXF file available), Eagle layout, only a few SMD parts | |
Different USBasp versions: Easy to built non-smd, smd version and a very small USBasp by Sven Hedin (01/2011) Eagle files available. | |
USB Key AVR Programmer by Fabio Baltieri (09/2011) Very small USB key like dimensions. SMD parts. | |
AVR ISP Programmer by Jaroslav Vadel (04/2012) Small programmer. SMD parts. | |
Target project and PDFs (layout/schematics) by Marius Schäfer (09/2013) | |
tinyUSBboard with USBasp-compatible firmware by Stephan Bärwolf (04/2014) | |
USBasp on breadboard with socket for controller daughter boards. by Fabian Hummel (11/2018) | |
Tjaart van Aswegen designed an SMD board: DIP TRACE and GERBER files. by Tjaart van Aswegen (09/2019) | |
Feature rich (e.g. different voltage levels, integrated USB to serial converter, USB-C connector) USBasp compatible design. AVR Programmer Github project. by Brian Pepin (12/2019) | |
USBasp with ZIF socket and through hole components. by Bruno (04/2020) | |
USBasp board with additional 6pin header and selectable target supply (3.3V/off/5.0V). by Marty E. (10/2020) | |
John included a 40 pin universal socket which takes 8, 14, 20 and 28 pin devices. He also added a versatile crystal oscillator with outputs of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 Mhz to clock the chips. There is also the standard 6pin ICSP connector and a user led connected to the MOSI pin. by John P. (11/2020) |
Links Firmware-only AVR USB driver libusb LibUsb-Win32 AVRDUDE - AVR Downloader/UploaDEr