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If you have unpaid child support debt, you can figure out how long it will take to pay it off with our Arrears Payoff Calculator.

DissoMaster calculates complex family law formulas For more than 20 years, DissoMaster software has helped family law professionals with calculating complex formulas. Its goal is to reduce the time it takes for you to extract accurate numbers from the raw data of each case. Oct 08, 2012 Can I find a Dissomaster calculater online somewhere to calculate support myself? I would like to know the approx support amount if defendant makes 8900/mo and I make 7500 per month, no deductions or hardships, based on four scenarios 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% timeshare.

You can choose a payment and see how many months it will take until you’re paid in full, or choose a time frame and it will show you the payment you need to make to have a zero balance by the end date.

  1. DissoMaster software is used by family law professionals in California to calculate child support and spousal support payments in divorce cases. The Superior Court of California has relied on DissoMaster in divorce cases for more than two decades.
  2. DissoMaster™ Suite is the premium software bundle for computing support calculations under the California Statewide Uniform Child Support Guidelines. This software combines the most relevant tools for the family law practitioner or court in one simple-to-use suite of calculators.
  3. DissoMaster Suite certification has been renewed pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 5.275, effective through March 31, 2021. CFLR DissoMaster Suite 2021-1a. What's New in 2021-1a? Current DissoMaster subscribers: click here to install the 2021-1a CFLR Suite update. To purchase DissoMaster call The Rutter Group at (800) 747-3161 ext.2.

Dissomaster Update

The California Child Support Guideline Calculator is based on the same child support legal guidelines used in California courts, and can be used to estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case.


Dissomaster Program

The county child support commissioner or family law judge has the final authority to determine the amount of a child support order. This calculator provides only an estimate and is not a guarantee of the amount of child support that will be ordered. Many factors may affect the amount of child support awarded.

If you have any questions about the child support guidelines, you should talk with a lawyer or contact a Family Law Facilitator.


Guideline Calculator Links

  • Download the Calculator User Guide
    • Request accessible version

*Please note, this address is only to be used to report technical problems with the website calculator. If you have questions about our programs or your specific case, please contact your local child support agency.

The Qualified Business Income Deduction calculator is an Excel tool provided by California Child Support to assist Guideline Calculator users in determining the amount of any Qualified Business Income deduction (QBID) they may need to enter in the Monthly Deduction Information section of the Guideline Calculator. The QBID calculator provides only an estimated amount based on the information entered by the user. Do not use the QBID calculator for tax return preparation or for any purpose other than support calculations. Only the original Excel tool available through this link should be relied upon by the users. Any version downloaded and presented by others may have altered formulas affecting the result. This calculator tool was developed by Ventura County Child Support Services and has been certified by an independent Certified Public Accountant.

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